The Purpose of the Program and Job Opportunities

The Purpose of the Program

The profession of physiotherapist is an important profession in increasing the quality of health and life, gaining the necessary knowledge and skills to plan and implement treatment approaches using physiotherapy-specific evaluation methods after the diagnosis of a specialist physician in all kinds of injuries, diseases and old age, pain and dysfunctions that cause movement disorders.

Today, physiotherapists serve with increasing numbers of approaches in increasing the quality of life related to independent movement and health in all situations where movement and function are threatened for various reasons. The current and future needs of societies in the world and in our country make the development of the physiotherapist profession inevitable.


Job Opportunities

Physiotherapists can work in private or public positions, in national and international inpatient treatment centers (university, state, etc.), orthopedics and traumatology, neurology / pediatric neurology, psychiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, general surgery, cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, chest diseases / thoracic surgery, pediatrics, urology, oncology, obstetrics, otorhinolaryngology, all intensive care services, plastic surgery services, burn units, rheumatology departments, special education and rehabilitation centers, prosthesis- in orthotics production and rehabilitation centers, primary health care institutions, industrial areas, schools, sports clubs, retirement homes, vocational rehabilitation centers and spa centers, branch centers, home care centers.

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